Features of RetaDesk

Features of RetaDesk Here is a list of features available on RetaDesk:

  • Inventory

    1. Category
      1. Create Category
      2. Edit Category
      3. Disable Category
      4. Category Details
      5. Category Report & Data Table with filtering, searching and shorting
    2. Brands
      1. Create Brand
      2. Edit Brand
      3. Disable Brand
      4. Brand Details
      5. Brands Report & Data Table with filtering, searching and shorting
    3. Groups
      1. Create Product Group
      2. Edit Product Group
      3. Disable Product Group
      4. Product Group Details
      5. Product Groups Report & Data Table with filtering, searching and shorting

    4. Stock Report (29 combinations of report by category, brands and product groups)
      1. Report of: Available Products Only
      2. Report of: Available Products With Serial
      3. Report of: Available Products With Price
      4. Total Report
      5. Full Stock Report
    5. Stock Sales Report
    6. Serial Tracking

  • Products

    1. Serial & Non-serial Product Management
    2. Tracking of each Serial of seril-products individually
    3. Product Setup
    4. Add Opening Stock to Product
    5. Edit Product
    6. Product's warranty
    7. View Product Details
    8. Products' Report & Data Table with instant product searching, filtering and shorting
    9. Product Sold to Customers
    10. Product Sold to Invoices
    11. Barcode Generation and Printing

  • Suppliers

    1. Supplier Setup
    2. Edit Suppliers
    3. View Suppliers
    4. Purchase History with searching on Supplier details page
    5. Return History with searching on Supplier details page
    6. Suppliers' Report & Data Table with instant supplier searching, filtering and shorting
    7. Supplier Ledger
    8. Suppliers Balance Report
    9. Make Payment to Suppliers
      1. Pyament cancellation
    10. Suppliers Payment History

  • Purchase from Supplier

    1. Purchase multiple products of multiple types in a single invoice
    2. Easy and Navigational system from adding products to invoice
    3. Smart Serial Distribution Handler capable of adding multiple product serials easilyto the invoice
    4. Supports serials within range, individual serials and combination of the two for adding to invoice
    5. Barcode Compatibiity for product code, model and serial entry
    6. Product's average price price calculaion
    7. Instant checks for duplications of serials
    8. Edit Invoice
      1. Edit serials
        1. Add new serial
        2. Delete an added serial
        3. Modifying and added serial
      2. Edit Price of products
      3. Deletion of products
      4. Addition of products
      5. Updating invoice number of the supplier
      6. Updating Remarks
      7. Updating date of purchase
      8. Automatic price update to product and amount update to ledger of the supplier
      9. Edit of purchase at any time
      10. Restrict deletion of sold serial
    9. Edit History
      1. All attempts to edit the invoice
      2. By whom and when the edit was done
      3. Changes in quantity for each edited item
      4. Changes in price for each edited item
      5. Changes in serials
        1. Deleted Serial
        2. Added Serial
      6. Items deleted
    10. Printing Purchase Invoice
    11. Purchase Report
    12. View Purchases in Data Table with instant purchase invoice searching, filtering and shorting
    13. Purhcase Details
    14. Software generated Local Purchase Numbe with barcode printed on purchase invoice

  • Customers

    1. Two Types of Customers: i) Individual customer and ii) Combined customer
    2. Create customer based on customer's mobile number
    3. Edit Customer
    4. View Customer Details
      1. Customer's basic information
      2. Business summary with the customer
      3. Current balance and credit limit of the customer
      4. All sales invoices of the customer
      5. All sold products to the customer
      6. All payment collection slips of the customer
      7. Advanced Payment Slips of the customer
      8. Cheques given by the customer
    5. Set, Enable/Disable/Update Credit Limit to the Customer
    6. Set Handler(employee) to Customer
    7. Customer Report in Data Table with instant customer searching and shorting by mobile number, name, address and email and also filtering
    8. Customer Ledger for each customer
    9. Creation of credit note for customer (affecting customer's balance and ledger)
    10. Report of Credit Notes in Data Table with instant credit note searching, filtering and shorting
    11. Payback to Customer
    12. Report of Payback Slips in Data Table with instant Payback Slip searching, filtering and shorting
    13. Report of Customers by Handeler
    14. Report of Customers with due

  • Sales

    1. Create new Sales Invoice
    2. Create customer's account while creating a new sales invoice
    3. Assign existing cutomer to the sales invoice
    4. Easy and Navigational system from adding products to invoice
    5. 100% Barcode Compatibiity for product code, model and serial selection
    6. Adding both serial and non-serial products to invoice in a very user-friendly and fastest way
    7. Ability to chage sell price while adding to invoice
    8. Remarks and automatic warranty for each individual product
    9. Discount on invoice
    10. Edit Invoice
      1. Edit serials
        1. Add new serial
        2. Delete an added serial
      2. Edit Sell Price of products
      3. Deletion of products
      4. Addition of products
      5. Updating discount on invoice
      6. Edit of invoice for as many time as you want untill payment processing is done
    11. Cancellation of invoice
    12. Detailed report of invoice showing profit against individual item and others information
    13. After creating the invoice it is treated as pending invoice and a new notification appears to all users having permissions on sales
    14. Software generated well formed invoice numbe with barcode printed on the sales invoice
    15. Printing sales invoice
    16. Consignment and printing of consignment of sales invoice
    17. Report of Unpaid/pending Invoices
    18. Data Table of all Invoices with instant sales invoice searching, filtering and shorting
    19. Today's Sales Report
    20. Date Wise Sales Report
    21. Date Wise Combined Report (Daily Sell Out, Turnover, Collection & Due Statement)
    22. Date Wise Combined Report (Daily Sell Out, Turnover, Collection & Due Statement) with profit
    23. Month Wise Combined Report with profit
    24. Individual Due Report
    25. Month Wise Individual Due Report
    26. Yearly Combined Report

  • Payment Processing for Sales Invoice

    1. Final Discount on the invoice
    2. Full Payment
      1. Only Cash Payment
      2. Only Cash Payment with Advanced Paid amount adjustment
      3. Cash Payment including POS/Mobile Banking payment
      4. Cash Payment includin POS/Mobile Banking Payment
      5. Only POS/Mobile Banking payment
      6. Only Advanced paid amount adjustment
      7. Cash payment including Advanced paid amount adjustment and POS/Mobile Banking Payment
    3. Payment With Due
      1. Customer's Credit Limit Checking for making due
      2. Full Due
        1. Individual customer's due processing
          1. Advanced paid amount adjustment if available
          2. Due Scheduling (Creating multiple schedules for payment collection)
          3. Cheque Collection
          4. Combined Due (Schedules + Cheques)
        2. Combined Customer's Due processing
          1. Due amount goes directly to customer's ledger. Payment will be collected against balance of the customer
      3. Partial Due (Includes some cash or POS)
        1. Due with Only Cash Payment
        2. Due with Only Cash Payment with Advanced Paid amount adjustment
        3. Due with Cash Payment including POS/Mobile Banking payment
        4. Due with Cash Payment including POS/Mobile Banking Payment
        5. Due with Only POS/Mobile Banking payment
        6. Due with Only Advanced paid amount adjustment
        7. Due with Cash payment including Advanced paid amount adjustment and POS/Mobile Banking Payment
        8. Due Processing
          1. Individual customer's due processing
            1. Advanced paid amount adjustment if available
            2. Due Scheduling (Creating multiple schedules for payment collection)
            3. Cheque Collection
            4. Combined Due (Schedules + Cheques)
          2. Combined Customer's Due processing
            1. Due amount goes directly to customer's ledger. Payment will be collected against balance of the customer
    4. Finalize invoice after payment processing

  • Due Management

    1. Due Calender
    2. Daily collectable due schedule report
    3. An innovative system for "Due Schedules" management which works like a customer care
      1. Get notified of the customer's due
      2. Due Schedule is shown as Pending until any action is taken so that you do not miss any due collection
      3. Inform the customer about the due and change status of the schedule to "Informed"
      4. Due Schedule and Rescheduling
        1. Changing collection date of the due schedule
        2. Keeping all informations of the conversation with the customer for rescheduling
        3. Rescheduling a "Due Schedule" as many times as you want
        4. Detailed history of a "Due Schedule" showing all the actions on the "Due Schedule" and conversation notes
      5. Collection of "Due Schedule" **
        1. Full Payment
          1. Payment in Cash
          2. Payment in POS/Mobile Banking
          3. Payment in combination of Cash & POS/Mobile Banking
        2. Partial Payment
          1. Partial Payment in Cash
          2. Partial Payment in POS/Mobile Banking
          3. Partial Payment in combination of Cash & POS/Mobile Banking
          4. Remaining amount of the Scheduled Amount
            1. Adjust the amount to the next due schedule of the sales invoice of the customer
            2. or Create a new Due Schedule for the remaining amount
            3. or Give a closing discount
              1. Closing discount goes to Expenditure and the customer's balance is adjusted
        3. Give customer a rating on the payment
        4. An informative Payment Collection Slip is created for printing and tracking the payment
    4. Old Due Entry
      1. Create invoice for old dues of the business and then schedules for the old due schedule

  • Payment Collection

    1. Individual Customer's Collection
      1. Search Customer and list the schedules of that customer
      2. Collection of "Due Schedule" selecting it from the list
        1. ** The same due collection feature mentioned above
          -> Collection of "Due Schedule" **
          1. Full Payment
            1. Payment in Cash
            2. Payment in POS/Mobile Banking
            3. Payment in combination of Cash & POS/Mobile Banking
          2. Partial Payment
            1. Partial Payment in Cash
            2. Partial Payment in POS/Mobile Banking
            3. Partial Payment in combination of Cash & POS/Mobile Banking
            4. Remaining amount of the Scheduled Amount
              1. Adjust the amount to the next due schedule of the sales invoice of the customer
              2. or Create a new Due Schedule for the remaining amount
              3. or Give a closing discount
                1. Closing discount goes to Expenditure and the customer's balance is adjusted
          3. Give customer a rating on the payment
          4. An informative Payment Collection Slip is created for printing and tracking the payment
    2. Combined Customer's Collection
        1. Payment collection for combined customer which directly hits the customer's ledger and balance
        2. Give customer a rating on the payment
        3. Payment Collection Slip is created
        4. Payment in cash
        5. Payment in POS/Mobile Banking
        6. Payment in combination of cash and POS/Mobile Banking
    3. Advanced Payment Collection
      1. Taking advanced payment from existing customer
      2. Taking advanced payment from new customer
        1. Create new customr's account while taking advanced payment from him
      3. Payment in cash
      4. Payment in POS/Mobile Banking
      5. Payment in combination of cash and POS/Mobile Banking
    4. Data Table of Pending Due Schedules with filtering, searching and shorting
    5. Data Table of Rescheduled Due Schedules with filtering, searching and shorting
    6. Data Table of Partially Collected Due Schedules with filtering, searching and shorting
    7. Data Table of Collected Due Schedules with filtering, searching and shorting
    8. Payment Collection Slips Report & Data Table with filtering, searching and shorting
    9. Advance Payment Slips Report & Data Table with filtering, searching and shorting

  • Accounting

    1. Complete accounting management in the whole software
    2. Asset Accounts
    3. Liabilities Accounts
    4. Revenue Accounts
    5. Expenditure Accounts

  • Banking

    1. Bank Setup
    2. List bank accounts
    3. Bank account details
    4. Bank account ledger
    5. Managing fund transfer among bank accounts
    6. Cheques Processing
      1. Data Table of Unprocessed Cheques with filtering, searching and shorting
      2. Data Table of Processed Cheques with filtering, searching and shorting
      3. View Cheque details
      4. Cheque withdrawal
      5. Printing cheque details

  • Expenditure Management

    1. Spending Sectors
      1. 20 predefined Sectors of expenditure for various actions
      2. You can add new spending sectors as many as you want (defining type i.e Revenue Expenditure or Capital Expenditure)
    2. Expenditure entry
    3. System generated vouchar combined with manual vouchar
    4. Expenditure Return Entry
    5. Expenditure Report
    ** Expenditure module is still under development and will be redesigned within January 2020. Some big changes are coming to this module.

  • RMA

    1. Create RMA Receipt(Receive product from Customer)
      1. Internal RMA(Product Sold by the same shop)
        1. RMA for Serial Product(Serial needed)
          1. Auto product and product's remaining warranty detection by system
          2. Receive from the same customer to whom the serial was sold - Auto Customer Selection
          3. Ability to Receive from different customer
            1. For existing customer -> customer selection by mobile number
            2. For new customer -> Creation of new customer
        2. RMA for Non-serial Product
        3. Entry of Product's Reported Problem from customer
        4. Multiple items on single RMA Receipt
        5. Easy and Navigational system for adding items to RMA receipt
      2. External RMA (Product NOT sold by the same shop)
        1. Supports serial and non-serial items
        2. Customer selection or creation if no internal item is already included to the RMA receipt
        3. Entry of Product's Reported Problem from customer
        4. Multiple items on single RMA Receipt
      3. RMA for Unsold items
        1. Both For Serial and Non-serial products
      4. Tracking number with barcode is generated for each RMA item and items are processed using their tracking number
    2. RMA Items processing
      1. Print Tracking Number's Barcode for each items
      2. Assign item to a technician
      3. Item's diagnosed problem submission by technician
      4. Creation of Supplier's shipping slip
        1. Select diagnosed items which are ready for shipment from the supplier's profile
        2. Shipping slip included reported problem from customer and diagnosed problem from technician
        3. Each items are based on tracking number
        4. Shipping slip is generated for sending package to courier and slip is sent along with package
      5. Shipping slip's courier entry
        1. Entry of all informations related to courier operator and delivery
        2. Courier cost entry for each individual items of the shipping slip
      6. RMA Receiveback from supplier
        1. Each item is received backed using the tracking number
        2. 4 cases for receiveback
          1. Item is replaced with new serial
            1. Cost entry(if needed)
          2. Item is replaced but non-serial
            1. Cost entry(if needed)
          3. Item is repaired
            1. Cost entry(if needed)
          4. Refunded by supplier
            1. Refund amount entry
        3. Remarks/solution entry
        4. Receiveback slip is generated
      7. Finalization of item by technician with Advice for the customer entry
    3. Items ready for delivery
    4. Deliver Item/Items
      1. Each item of customer can be delivered from the item details page giving the final charged amount
      2. For multiple items of customer all items can be delivered at a time giving final charged amount for each items.
      3. Delivery slip is created
    5. If refunded then refund adjustment amount needs to be defined by the RMA operator/technician and ajdusted amount goes to customer's ledger for "Payback"
    6. RMA report with accounts informations


    1. Create Servicing Receipt (Receive product from Customer)
      1. Servicing of internal items (Product Sold by the same shop)
        1. Servicing for Serial Product (Serial needed)
          1. Auto product and product's remaining warranty detection by system
          2. Receive from the same customer to whom the serial was sold - Auto Customer Selection
          3. Ability to Receive from different customer
            1. For existing customer -> customer selection by mobile number
            2. For new customer -> Creation of new customer
        2. Servicing for Non-serial Product
        3. Entry of Product's Reported Problem from customer
        4. Multiple items on single Servicing Receipt
        5. Easy and Navigational system for adding items to Servicing receipt
      2. Servicing of External Items (Product NOT sold by the same shop)
        1. Supports serial and non-serial items
        2. Customer selection or creation if no internal item is already included to the Servicing receipt
        3. Entry of Product's Reported Problem from customer
        4. Multiple items on single Servicing Receipt
      3. Tracking number with barcode is generated for each Servicing item and items are processed using their tracking number
    2. Servicing Outsource Agent
      1. Outsource Agent Setup
      2. Outsource agent list
      3. Outsource agent report
    3. Servicing Items processing
      1. Print Tracking Number's Barcode for each item
      2. Assign item to a technician
      3. Item's diagnosed problem submission by technician
      4. Item’s priority assigning
      5. Assign outsource agent if needed
      6. Finalization of item (By technician) after servicing is done if not outsourced
        1. Entry of provided service
        2. Advice for customer entry
      7. Outsourcing of Item’s servicing
        1. Selection of items for packaging and consignment creation and creation of shipping slip
        2. Courier cost entry for each individual items of the shipping slip
        3. Receive-back from supplier
          1. Each Item is received backed using the tracking number
          2. Outsource charge and remarks entry
          3. Multiple items receive-back in one receive-back invoice
          4. Outsource Receive-back slip is generated
        4. Finalization of item by technician with Advice for the customer entry
    4. Items ready for delivery
    5. Deliver Item/Items
      1. Each item of customer can be delivered from the item details page giving the final charged amount
      2. For multiple items of customer all items can be delivered at a time giving final charged amount for each item.
      3. Delivery slip is created
    6. Servicing report with accounts information


    1. Create new user/employee for particular Role (Depends on permission)
    2. For Self
      1. Self-Login history
      2. Edit Profile
      3. Change Password
      4. Security Question
    3. For other users (If given permission)
      1. User’s Login history
      2. Edit User’s Profile (Depends on permission)
      3. Change User’s Password (Depends on permission)


    1. Create new user role (Depends on permission)
      1. Give role name and details
      2. Set access permission for the role
    2. View role details with all permission info
    3. Edit Role
      1. Change role name and details
      2. Change access permission for the role

NOTE: All the major and separable features are brought under access control in RetaDesk. Whenever a new feature is implemented it is added to the access control. Currently there are access control for 118 different features in RetaDesk.